A significant milestone for our Clinician Doctorate Program “ClinDoc-Viral” has been reached: We successfully defended our proposal and received positive feedback. The final funding decision…
We are pleased to announce that Wera Pustlauk has successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled ‘Bone Metabolism and Vascular Calcification: Insights into the Regulatory and…
In our latest study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Molecular Therapy, we investigated the effects of immunoadsorption therapy in post-COVID patients suffering from myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic…
Our latest publication “Severity of neurological Long-COVID symptoms correlates with increased level of autoantibodies targeting vasoregulatory and autonomic nervous system receptors” in the scientific journal…
Our new consortium was mentioned on the RUB-website: https://news.rub.de/english/2023-09-18-funding-boosting-shared-use-research-data
The team of the AG Babel at the Charité in Berlin has been awarded €48,000 by the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) for the expansion…
A patent application by members of the Babel working group for measuring a patient’s immune response to his or her kidney transplant has received a…
In our latest publication in the journal ‘Frontiers in Transplantation‘ we follow a group of 93 kidney transplant recipients for year after transplantation. We tested…
We are very excited to announce, that the NFDI4Immuno has been funded to create a unified repository for immunological data in Germany as part of…
Our close collaboration with Bogomolets National Medical University in Kiew was mentioned (in German): https://news.rub.de/wissenschaft/2023-02-08-typ-2-diabetes-ukrainische-forscherinnen-trotzen-dem-krieg! Two scientists visited us in Bochum as part of the…