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SARS-CoV-2 Publikationen

Activation of the MAPK network provides a survival advantage during the course of COVID-19-induced sepsis: a real-world evidence analysis of a multicenter COVID-19 Sepsis Cohort.

Witowski A, Palmowski L, Rahmel T, Nowak H, Ehrentraut SF, Putensen C, von Groote T, Zarbock A, Babel N, Anft M, Sitek B, Bracht T, Bayer M, Weber M, Weisheit C, Pfänder S, Eisenacher M, Adamzik M, Katharina R, Koos B, Ziehe D and .

(2025) Infection. 53, 107-115; doi:

Effect of immunoadsorption on clinical presentation and immune alterations in COVID-19-induced and/or aggravated ME/CFS.

Anft M, Wiemers L, Rosiewicz KS, Doevelaar A, Skrzypczyk S, Kurek J, Kaliszczyk S, Seidel M, Stervbo U, Seibert FS, Westhoff TH and Babel N.

(2025) Mol Ther. ; doi:

9-Month observational Dia-Vacc study of vaccine type influence on SARS-CoV-2 immunity in dialysis and kidney transplant patients.

Stumpf J, Anders L, Siepmann T, Schwöbel J, Karger C, Lindner T, Faulhaber-Walter R, Langer T, Escher K, Anding-Rost K, Seidel H, Hüther J, Pistrosch F, Martin H, Schewe J, Stehr T, Meistring F, Paliege A, Schneider D, Bast I, Steglich A, Gembardt F, Kessel F, Kröger H, Arndt P, Sradnick J, Frank K, Skrzypczyk S, Anft M, Klimova A, Mauer R, Roeder I, Tonn T, Babel N and Hugo C.

(2024) Vaccine. 42, 120-128; doi:

Increased SARS-CoV-2 reactive low avidity T cells producing inflammatory cytokines in pediatric post-acute COVID-19 sequelae (PASC).

Paniskaki K, Goretzki S, Anft M, Konik MJ, Meister TL, Pfaender S, Lechtenberg K, Vogl M, Dogan B, Dolff S, Westhoff TH, Rohn H, Felderhoff-Mueser U, Stervbo U, Witzke O, Dohna-Schwake C and Babel N.

(2023) Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 34, e14060; doi:

Severity of neurological Long-COVID symptoms correlates with increased level of autoantibodies targeting vasoregulatory and autonomic nervous system receptors.

Seibert FS, Stervbo U, Wiemers L, Skrzypczyk S, Hogeweg M, Bertram S, Kurek J, Anft M, Westhoff TH and Babel N.

(2023) Autoimmun Rev. 22, 103445; doi:

Fading SARS-CoV-2 humoral VOC cross-reactivity and sustained cellular immunity in convalescent children and adolescents.

Paniskaki K, Goretzki S, Anft M, Konik MJ, Lechtenberg K, Vogl M, Meister TL, Pfaender S, Zettler M, Jäger J, Dolff S, Westhoff TH, Rohn H, Felderhoff-Mueser U, Stervbo U, Witzke O, Dohna-Schwake C and Babel N.

(2023) BMC Infect Dis. 23, 818; doi:

Understanding, diagnosing, and treating Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome - State of the art: Report of the 2nd international meeting at the Charité Fatigue Center.

Steiner S, Fehrer A, Hoheisel F, Schoening S, Aschenbrenner A, Babel N, Bellmann-Strobl J, Finke C, Fluge Ø, Froehlich L, Goebel A, Grande B, Haas JP, Hohberger B, Jason LA, Komaroff AL, Lacerda E, Liebl M, Maier A, Mella O, Nacul L, Paul F, Prusty BK, Puta C, Riemekasten G, Ries W, Rowe PC, Sawitzki B, Shoenfeld Y, Schultze JL, Seifert M, Sepúlveda N, Sotzny F, Stein E, Stingl M, Ufer F, Veauthier C, Westermeier F, Wirth K, Wolfarth B, Zalewski P, Behrends U and Scheibenbogen C.

(2023) Autoimmun Rev. 22, 103452; doi:

Generation of potentially inhibitory autoantibodies to ADAMTS13 in coronavirus disease 2019.

Doevelaar AAN, Bachmann M, Hölzer B, Seibert FS, Rohn BJ, Zgoura P, Witzke O, Dittmer U, Brenner T, Paniskaki K, Yilmaz S, Dittmer R, Schneppenheim S, Wilhelm J, Stervbo U, Babel N, Budde U and Westhoff TH.

(2023) Sci Rep. 13, 10501; doi:

Urinary biomarkers to predict acute kidney damage and mortality in COVID-19.

Racovitan D, Hogeweg M, Doevelaar AA, Seidel M, Rohn B, Bettag S, Rieckmann S, Babel N, Seibert FS and Westhoff TH.

(2023) Clin Nephrol. 99, 161-171; doi:

Significant Fade of Neutralizing Antibodies and Stable Cellular Immunity in 4 Times COVID-19 Vaccinated Noninfected Compared to COVID-19 Convalescent and 3 Times Vaccinated Hemodialysis Patients.

Anft M, Skrzypczyk S, Frahnert M, Fricke L, Zapka J, Kühn D, Koos B, Adamzik M, Pfaender S, Stervbo U, Westhoff TH and Babel N.

(2023) Kidney Int Rep. 8, 685-687; doi:

Impact of low eGFR on the immune response against COVID-19.

Blazquez-Navarro A, Mittmann L, Thieme CJ, Anft M, Paniskaki K, Doevelaar A, Seibert FS, Hoelzer B, Konik MJ, Berger MM, Brenner T, Tempfer C, Watzl C, Meister TL, Pfaender S, Steinmann E, Dolff S, Dittmer U, Witzke O, Stervbo U, Roch T, Or-Guil M, Westhoff TH and Babel N.

(2023) J Nephrol. 36, 199-202; doi:

SARS-CoV-2 vaccination improves HBV seroconversion rate through heterological immunity.

Anft M, Paniskaki K, Giglio T, Wellenkötter J, Blazquez-Navarro A, Meister TL, Roch T, Giesecke-Thiel C, Westhoff TH, Stervbo U, Pfaender S, Cinkilic O and Babel N.

(2023) Kidney Int. 103, 223-225; doi:

Low-density lipoprotein apheresis is associated with removal of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.

Bertram S, Pfab T, Albert C, Schmidt S, Passfall J, Haesner M, Seidel M, Hölzer B, Seibert FS, Doevelaar A, Rohn B, Zgoura P, Babel N and Westhoff TH.

(2022) Ther Apher Dial. 26, 1289-1295; doi:

Vaccination in patients with kidney failure: lessons from COVID-19.

Babel N, Hugo C and Westhoff TH.

(2022) Nat Rev Nephrol. 18, 708-723; doi:

SARS-CoV-2 infects human cardiomyocytes promoted by inflammation and oxidative stress.

Tangos M, Budde H, Kolijn D, Sieme M, Zhazykbayeva S, Lódi M, Herwig M, Gömöri K, Hassoun R, Robinson EL, Meister TL, Jaquet K, Kovács Á, Mustroph J, Evert K, Babel N, Fagyas M, Lindner D, Püschel K, Westermann D, Mannherz HG, Paneni F, Pfaender S, Tóth A, Mügge A, Sossalla S and Hamdani N.

(2022) Int J Cardiol. 362, 196-205; doi:

Different humoral but similar cellular responses of patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases under disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs after COVID-19 vaccination.

Andreica I, Blazquez-Navarro A, Sokolar J, Anft M, Kiltz U, Pfaender S, Vidal Blanco E, Westhoff T, Babel N, Stervbo U and Baraliakos X.

(2022) RMD Open. 8, ; doi:

Inferior cellular and humoral immunity against Omicron and Delta variants of concern compared with SARS-CoV-2 wild type in hemodialysis patients immunized with 4 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine doses.

Anft M, Blazquez-Navarro A, Frahnert M, Fricke L, Meister TL, Roch T, Stervbo U, Pfaender S, Westhoff TH and Babel N.

(2022) Kidney Int. 102, 207-208; doi:

Inferior humoral and sustained cellular immunity against wild-type and omicron variant of concern in hemodialysis patients immunized with 3 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine doses compared with 4 doses.

Cinkilic O, Anft M, Blazquez-Navarro A, Meister TL, Roch T, Stervbo U, Pfaender S, Westhoff TH and Babel N.

(2022) Kidney Int. 101, 1287-1289; doi:

Tacrolimus-resistant SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell products to prevent and treat severe COVID-19 in immunosuppressed patients.

Peter L, Wendering DJ, Schlickeiser S, Hoffmann H, Noster R, Wagner DL, Zarrinrad G, Münch S, Picht S, Schulenberg S, Moradian H, Mashreghi MF, Klein O, Gossen M, Roch T, Babel N, Reinke P, Volk HD, Amini L and Schmueck-Henneresse M.

(2022) Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. 25, 52-73; doi:

Neutralizing antibody responses 300 days after SARS-CoV-2 infection and induction of high antibody titers after vaccination.

Urlaub D, Wolfsdorff N, Hoffmann JE, Dorok S, Hoffmann M, Anft M, Pieris N, Günther P, Schaaf B, Cassens U, Bröde P, Claus M, Picard LK, Wingert S, Backes S, Durak D, Babel N, Pöhlmann S, Renken F, Raunser S and Watzl C.

(2022) Eur J Immunol. 52, 810-815; doi:

Acute interstitial nephritis after vaccination with BNT162b2.

Rieckmann S, Seibert FS, Hogeweg M, Bertram S, Doevelaar AAN, Amann K, Babel N and Westhoff TH.

(2022) J Nephrol. 35, 779-782; doi:

Predictors of impaired SARS-CoV-2 immunity in healthcare workers after vaccination with BNT162b2.

Bertram S, Blazquez-Navarro A, Seidel M, Hölzer B, Seibert FS, Doevelaar A, Rohn B, Zgoura P, Witte-Lack A, Skrzypczyk S, Scholten D, Kisters K, Babel N and Westhoff TH.

(2022) Sci Rep. 12, 6243; doi:

A Vector-Based Vaccine Dose After 3 Doses of mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination Does Not Substantially Improve Humoral SARS-CoV-2 Immunity in Renal Transplant Recipients.

Roch T, Rohn B, Blazquez-Navarro A, Meister TL, Blanco EV, Paniskaki K, Wellenkötter J, Zgoura P, Giglio T, Pfaender S, Stervbo U, Viebahn R, Cinkilic O, Westhoff TH and Babel N.

(2022) Kidney Int Rep. 7, 932-934; doi:

Effect of plasma exchange on COVID-19 associated excess of von Willebrand factor and inflammation in critically ill patients.

Seibert FS, Blazquez-Navarro A, Hölzer B, Doevelaar AAN, Nusshag C, Merle U, Morath C, Zgoura P, Dittmer R, Schneppenheim S, Wilhelm J, Babel N, Budde U and Westhoff TH.

(2022) Sci Rep. 12, 4801; doi:

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on non-COVID induced sepsis survival.

Unterberg M, Rahmel T, Rump K, Wolf A, Haberl H, von Busch A, Bergmann L, Bracht T, Zarbock A, Ehrentraut SF, Putensen C, Wappler F, Köhler T, Ellger B, Babel N, Frey U, Eisenacher M, Kleefisch D, Marcus K, Sitek B, Adamzik M, Koos B, Nowak H and .

(2022) BMC Anesthesiol. 22, 12; doi:

Impaired Humoral but Substantial Cellular Immune Response to Variants of Concern B1.1.7 and B.1.351 in Hemodialysis Patients after Vaccination with BNT162b2.

Thieme CJ, Blazquez-Navarro A, Safi L, Kaliszczyk S, Paniskaki K, Neumann IE, Schmidt K, Stockhausen M, Hörstrup J, Cinkilic O, Flitsch-Kiefner L, Meister TL, Marheinecke C, Pfaender S, Steinmann E, Seibert FS, Stervbo U, Westhoff TH, Roch T and Babel N.

(2021) J Am Soc Nephrol. 32, 2725-2727; doi:

A third vaccine dose substantially improves humoral and cellular SARS-CoV-2 immunity in renal transplant recipients with primary humoral nonresponse.

Westhoff TH, Seibert FS, Anft M, Blazquez-Navarro A, Skrzypczyk S, Zgoura P, Meister TL, Pfaender S, Stumpf J, Hugo C, Viebahn R, Roch T, Stervbo U and Babel N.

(2021) Kidney Int. 100, 1135-1136; doi:

Correspondence on 'SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in rituximab-treated patients: evidence for impaired humoral but inducible cellular immune response'.

Westhoff TH, Seibert FS, Anft M, Blazquez-Navarro A, Skrzypczyk S, Doevelaar A, Hölzer B, Paniskaki K, Dolff S, Wilde B, Witzke O, Braun J, Stervbo U and Babel N.

(2021) Ann Rheum Dis. 80, e162; doi:

The Magnitude and Functionality of SARS-CoV-2 Reactive Cellular and Humoral Immunity in Transplant Population Is Similar to the General Population Despite Immunosuppression.

Thieme CJ, Anft M, Paniskaki K, Blazquez-Navarro A, Doevelaar A, Seibert FS, Hoelzer B, Justine Konik M, Meister TL, Pfaender S, Steinmann E, Moritz Berger M, Brenner T, Kölsch U, Dolff S, Roch T, Witzke O, Schenker P, Viebahn R, Stervbo U, Westhoff TH and Babel N.

(2021) Transplantation. 105, 2156-2164; doi:

Humoral and cellular immunity to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in renal transplant versus dialysis patients: A prospective, multicenter observational study using mRNA-1273 or BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine.

Stumpf J, Siepmann T, Lindner T, Karger C, Schwöbel J, Anders L, Faulhaber-Walter R, Schewe J, Martin H, Schirutschke H, Barnett K, Hüther J, Müller P, Langer T, Pluntke T, Anding-Rost K, Meistring F, Stehr T, Pietzonka A, Escher K, Cerny S, Rothe H, Pistrosch F, Seidel H, Paliege A, Beige J, Bast I, Steglich A, Gembardt F, Kessel F, Kröger H, Arndt P, Sradnick J, Frank K, Klimova A, Mauer R, Grählert X, Anft M, Blazquez-Navarro A, Westhoff TH, Stervbo U, Tonn T, Babel N and Hugo C.

(2021) Lancet Reg Health Eur. 9, 100178; doi:

ACE2 polymorphism and susceptibility for SARS-CoV-2 infection and severity of COVID-19.

Möhlendick B, Schönfelder K, Breuckmann K, Elsner C, Babel N, Balfanz P, Dahl E, Dreher M, Fistera D, Herbstreit F, Hölzer B, Koch M, Kohnle M, Marx N, Risse J, Schmidt K, Skrzypczyk S, Sutharsan S, Taube C, Westhoff TH, Jöckel KH, Dittmer U, Siffert W and Kribben A.

(2021) Pharmacogenet Genomics. 31, 165-171; doi:

Superior cellular and humoral immunity toward SARS-CoV-2 reference and alpha and beta VOC strains in COVID-19 convalescent as compared to the prime boost BNT162b2-vaccinated dialysis patients.

Blazquez-Navarro A, Safi L, Meister TL, Thieme CJ, Kaliszczyk S, Paniskaki K, Stockhausen M, Hörstrup J, Cinkilic O, Flitsch-Kiefner L, Marheinecke C, Steinmann E, Seibert FS, Stervbo U, Westhoff TH, Pfaender S, Roch T and Babel N.

(2021) Kidney Int. 100, 698-700; doi:

Detection of pre-existing SARS-CoV-2-reactive T cells in unexposed renal transplant patients.

Anft M, Blazquez-Navarro A, Stervbo U, Skrzypczyk S, Witzke O, Wirth R, Choi M, Hugo C, Reinke P, Meister TL, Steinmann E, Pfaender S, Schenker P, Viebahn R, Westhoff TH and Babel N.

(2021) J Nephrol. 34, 1025-1037; doi:

Detection of SARS-CoV-2-specific memory B cells to delineate long-term COVID-19 immunity.

Thieme CJ, Abou-El-Enein M, Fritsche E, Anft M, Paniskaki K, Skrzypczyk S, Doevelaar A, Elsallab M, Brindle N, Blazquez-Navarro A, Seibert FS, Meister TL, Pfaender S, Steinmann E, Witzke O, Westhoff TH, Stervbo U, Heine G, Roch T and Babel N.

(2021) Allergy. 76, 2595-2599; doi:

SARS-CoV-2-reactive cellular and humoral immunity in hemodialysis population.

Anft M, Blazquez-Navarro A, Paniskaki K, Skrzypczyk S, Appel H, Pfab T, Uhle A, Frahnert M, Barenbrock M, Büssemaker E, Hörstrup J, Doevelaar A, Seibert FS, Hölzer B, Stervbo U, Dolff S, Witzke O, Babel N and Westhoff TH.

(2021) Kidney Int. 99, 1489-1490; doi:

Coronavirus Disease 2019 Associated Risk Score, Behavior, and Symptom Prevalence in German Transplant Recipients.

Thieme CJ, Zgoura P, Todorova I, Babel D, Witzke O, Viebahn R, Halleck F, Bachmann F, Westhoff TH, Choi M and Babel N.

(2021) Transplant Proc. 53, 1245-1248; doi:

von Willebrand Factor Multimer Formation Contributes to Immunothrombosis in Coronavirus Disease 2019.

Doevelaar AAN, Bachmann M, Hölzer B, Seibert FS, Rohn BJ, Bauer F, Witzke O, Dittmer U, Bachmann M, Yilmaz S, Dittmer R, Schneppenheim S, Babel N, Budde U and Westhoff TH.

(2021) Crit Care Med. 49, e512-e520; doi:

Lessons for the clinical nephrologist: recurrence of nephrotic syndrome induced by SARS-CoV-2.

Doevelaar AAN, Hölzer B, Seibert FS, Bauer F, Stervbo U, Rohn BJ, Zgoura P, Schenker P, Vonbrunn E, Amann K, Viebahn R, Babel N and Westhoff TH.

(2020) J Nephrol. 33, 1369-1372; doi:

COVID-19-Induced ARDS Is Associated with Decreased Frequency of Activated Memory/Effector T Cells Expressing CD11a.

Anft M, Paniskaki K, Blazquez-Navarro A, Doevelaar A, Seibert FS, Hölzer B, Skrzypczyk S, Kohut E, Kurek J, Zapka J, Wehler P, Kaliszczyk S, Bajda S, Thieme CJ, Roch T, Konik MJ, Berger MM, Brenner T, Kölsch U, Meister TL, Pfaender S, Steinmann E, Tempfer C, Watzl C, Dolff S, Dittmer U, Abou-El-Enein M, Westhoff TH, Witzke O, Stervbo U and Babel N.

(2020) Mol Ther. 28, 2691-2702; doi:

Detection of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia: two case reports.

Seibert FS, Toma D, Bauer F, Paniskaki K, Anft M, Rohn BJ, Wang S, Racovitan D, Babel N and Westhoff TH.

(2020) J Med Case Rep. 14, 242; doi:

Allograft infiltration and meningoencephalitis by SARS-CoV-2 in a pancreas-kidney transplant recipient.

Westhoff TH, Seibert FS, Bauer F, Stervbo U, Anft M, Doevelaar AAN, Rohn BJ, Winnekendonk G, Dittmer U, Schenker P, Vonbrunn E, Amann K, Viebahn R and Babel N.

(2020) Am J Transplant. 20, 3216-3220; doi:

Epitope similarity cannot explain the pre-formed T cell immunity towards structural SARS-CoV-2 proteins.

Stervbo U, Rahmann S, Roch T, Westhoff TH and Babel N.

(2020) Sci Rep. 10, 18995; doi:

Psychological Responses to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic in Renal Transplant Recipients.

Zgoura P, Seibert FS, Waldecker C, Doevelaar A, Bauer F, Rohn B, Schenker P, Wunsch A, Viebahn R, Babel N and Westhoff TH.

(2020) Transplant Proc. 52, 2671-2675; doi:

Immune monitoring facilitates the clinical decision in multifocal COVID-19 of a pancreas-kidney transplant patient.

Babel N, Anft M, Blazquez-Navarro A, Doevelaar AAN, Seibert FS, Bauer F, Rohn BJ, Hoelzer B, Thieme CJ, Roch T, Meister TL, Pfaender S, Steinmann E, Dittmer U, Schenker P, Amann K, Viebahn R, Stervbo U and Westhoff TH.

(2020) Am J Transplant. 20, 3210-3215; doi:

Impact of renal disease and comorbidities on mortality in hemodialysis patients with COVID-19: a multicenter experience from Germany.

Seidel M, Hölzer B, Appel H, Babel N, Westhoff TH and .

(2020) J Nephrol. 33, 871-874; doi:

Robust T Cell Response Toward Spike, Membrane, and Nucleocapsid SARS-CoV-2 Proteins Is Not Associated with Recovery in Critical COVID-19 Patients.

Thieme CJ, Anft M, Paniskaki K, Blazquez-Navarro A, Doevelaar A, Seibert FS, Hoelzer B, Konik MJ, Berger MM, Brenner T, Tempfer C, Watzl C, Meister TL, Pfaender S, Steinmann E, Dolff S, Dittmer U, Westhoff TH, Witzke O, Stervbo U, Roch T and Babel N.

(2020) Cell Rep Med. 1, 100092; doi:

Impaired Cytotoxic CD8 T Cell Response in Elderly COVID-19 Patients.

Westmeier J, Paniskaki K, Karaköse Z, Werner T, Sutter K, Dolff S, Overbeck M, Limmer A, Liu J, Zheng X, Brenner T, Berger MM, Witzke O, Trilling M, Lu M, Yang D, Babel N, Westhoff T, Dittmer U and Zelinskyy G.

(2020) mBio. 11, ; doi:

Case report: SARS-CoV-2 specific T-cells are associated with myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination with mRNA-1273.

Stervbo U, Van Bracht M, Philippou S, Babel N and Westhoff TH.

(2023) Front Med (Lausanne). 10, 1088764; doi:

Immune Response in Moderate to Critical Breakthrough COVID-19 Infection After mRNA Vaccination.

Paniskaki K, Anft M, Meister TL, Marheinecke C, Pfaender S, Skrzypczyk S, Seibert FS, Thieme CJ, Konik MJ, Dolff S, Anastasiou O, Holzer B, Dittmer U, Queren C, Fricke L, Rohn H, Westhoff TH, Witzke O, Stervbo U, Roch T and Babel N.

(2022) Front Immunol. 13, 816220; doi:

Low avidity circulating SARS-CoV-2 reactive CD8+ T cells with proinflammatory TEMRA phenotype are associated with post-acute sequelae of COVID-19.

Paniskaki K, Konik MJ, Anft M, Heidecke H, Meister TL, Pfaender S, Krawczyk A, Zettler M, Jäger J, Gaeckler A, Dolff S, Westhoff TH, Rohn H, Stervbo U, Scheibenbogen C, Witzke O and Babel N.

(2023) Front Microbiol. 14, 1196721; doi:

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor receptor CD74 expression is associated with expansion and differentiation of effector T cells in COVID-19 patients.

Westmeier J, Brochtrup A, Paniskaki K, Karakoese Z, Werner T, Sutter K, Dolff S, Limmer A, Mittermüller D, Liu J, Zheng X, Koval T, Kaidashev I, Berger MM, Herbstreit F, Brenner T, Witzke O, Trilling M, Lu M, Yang D, Babel N, Westhoff T, Dittmer U and Zelinskyy G.

(2023) Front Immunol. 14, 1236374; doi:

Exploring the relationship between HCMV serostatus and outcomes in COVID-19 sepsis.

Ziehe D, Wolf A, Rahmel T, Nowak H, Haberl H, Bergmann L, Rump K, Dyck B, Palmowski L, Marko B, Witowski A, Willemsen KM, Pfaender S, Eisenacher M, Anft M, Babel N, Bracht T, Sitek B, Bayer M, Zarbock A, von Groote T, Putensen C, Ehrentraut SF, Weisheit C, Adamzik M, Unterberg M and Koos B.

(2024) Front Immunol. 15, 1386586; doi:

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Cross-Reactive B and T Cell Responses in Kidney Transplant Patients.

Paniskaki K, Anft M, Thieme CJ, Skrzypczyk S, Konik MJ, Dolff S, Westhoff TH, Nienen M, Stittrich A, Stervbo U, Witzke O, Heine G, Roch T and Babel N.

(2022) Transplant Proc. 54, 1455-1464; doi:

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital admission rates for arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease: a German database study.

Sasko B, Matiakis M, Seibert FS, Pagonas N, Hippe HJ, Babel N, Ukena C and Westhoff TH.

(2024) Front Cardiovasc Med. 11, 1333749; doi:

Corrigendum: Epigenetic immune monitoring for COVID-19 disease course prognosis.

Samans B, Rosselló Chornet M, Rosselló Chornet A, Jung J, Schildknecht K, Lozza L, Alos Zaragoza L, Hernández Laforet J, Babel N and Olek S.

(2024) Front Immunol. 15, 1451571; doi:

Epigenetic immune monitoring for COVID-19 disease course prognosis.

Samans B, Rosselló Chornet M, Rosselló Chornet A, Jung J, Schildknecht K, Lozza L, Alos Zaragoza L, Hernández Laforet J, Babel N and Olek S.

(2023) Front Immunol. 14, 1107900; doi:

Superior humoral immunity in vaccinated SARS-CoV-2 convalescence as compared to SARS-COV-2 infection or vaccination.

Paniskaki K, Konik MJ, Anft M, Meister TL, Marheinecke C, Pfaender S, Jäger J, Krawczyk A, Zettler M, Dolff S, Westhoff TH, Rohn H, Stervbo U, Witzke O and Babel N.

(2022) Front Immunol. 13, 1031254; doi:

In-depth analysis of T cell immunity and antibody responses in heterologous prime-boost-boost vaccine regimens against SARS-CoV-2 and Omicron variant.

Heinen N, Marheinecke CS, Bessen C, Blazquez-Navarro A, Roch T, Stervbo U, Anft M, Plaza-Sirvent C, Busse S, Klöhn M, Schrader J, Vidal Blanco E, Urlaub D, Watzl C, Hoffmann M, Pöhlmann S, Tenbusch M, Steinmann E, Todt D, Hagenbeck C, Zimmer G, Schmidt WE, Quast DR, Babel N, Schmitz I and Pfänder S.

(2022) Front Immunol. 13, 1062210; doi: