We are pleased to announce that Wera Pustlauk has successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled ‘Bone Metabolism and Vascular Calcification: Insights into the Regulatory and…
In our latest study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Molecular Therapy, we investigated the effects of immunoadsorption therapy in post-COVID patients suffering from myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic…
Our new consortium was mentioned on the RUB-website: https://news.rub.de/english/2023-09-18-funding-boosting-shared-use-research-data
The team of the AG Babel at the Charité in Berlin has been awarded €48,000 by the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) for the expansion…
In our latest publication in the journal ‘Frontiers in Transplantation‘ we follow a group of 93 kidney transplant recipients for year after transplantation. We tested…
We are very excited to announce, that the NFDI4Immuno has been funded to create a unified repository for immunological data in Germany as part of…
Our close collaboration with Bogomolets National Medical University in Kiew was mentioned (in German): https://news.rub.de/wissenschaft/2023-02-08-typ-2-diabetes-ukrainische-forscherinnen-trotzen-dem-krieg! Two scientists visited us in Bochum as part of the…
We are very happy that our head of laboratories, Dr. Ulrik Stervbo, has been elected co-lead of the Diagnostics Working Group of the Adaptive Immune…
Українська Послуги нашої клініки імунодефіцитів та імунодіагностичної лабораторії доступні безкоштовно біженцям з України з порушенням імунної системи чи нефрологічними захворюваннями. Професор Ніна Бабель вільно володіє…
Our work has been mentioned on the website of Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon: https://hereon.de/innovation_transfer/communication_media/news/104463/index.php.en